What if you could manage your facility's energy with the simple scan of a QR code?
Discover how Schneider Electric's Meter Insights web
service helps turn raw data from PowerLogic PM3000 and PM5000 meters into actionable information for
achieving energy efficiency or improving your power's quality and reliability
Get a QR App*:
Visit your app store to download and install any
QR Code Scanner App onto your smartphone or tablet
*If your device's camera App doesn't natively support QR codes
Get a QR App*:
Visit your app store to download and install any
QR Code Scanner App onto your smartphone or tablet
*if your device's camera App doesn't natively support QR codes
Scan your meter's QR Code screen:
Navigate to one of your PowerLogic PM3000 or PM5000 meter's QR code screens
and scan it with your smartphone or tablet
Scan your meter's QR Code screen:
Navigate to one of your PowerLogic PM3000 or PM5000 meter's QR code screens
and scan it with your smartphone or tablet
Visualize your meter's data:
Access enhanced views of your PowerLogic PM3000 or PM5000 meter's data on
Schneider Electric's Meter Insights web service from your smart phone, tablet or desktop computer
Visualize your meter's data:
Access enhanced views of your PowerLogic PM3000 or PM5000 meter's data on
Schneider Electric's Meter Insights web service from your smart phone, tablet or desktop computer
Understand your energy data:
Schneider Electric’s Meter Insights web service provides you with
assistance to pursue cost-saving, energy efficiency and power quality opportunities or resolve
configuration errors
Understand your energy data:
Schneider Electric’s Meter Insights web service provides you with
assistance to pursue cost-saving, energy efficiency and power quality opportunities or resolve
configuration errors
Export your data:
Using Schneider Electric’s Meter Insights web service, you can
generate complex reports about your energy usage and scan activity
Export your data:
Using Schneider Electric’s Meter Insights web service, you can
generate complex reports about your energy usage and scan activity